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The fortress of Punta Corbin was part of the Italian fortresses forming the line of defence on the pre-alps at the north of Vicenza. After the war, it has been restored and valorized by Panozzo family, and now it is a museum. In this website you can find a lot of information and material about this fort.

  Fort Corbin in WW 1   The museum   Activities and services

Located at the western end of the Plateau of Asiago, not far away from mount Cengio and the town of Tresche’ Conca, the fortress of Punta Corbin was part of the Italian fortresses forming the…Read more

The historical war museum of Fort Corbin attracts an ever-increasing number of visitors, tourists and school children, who can visit the whole site with the help of a site map and a written guide or…Read more

Due to the complex and articulated structure, Fort Corbin lends itself to many activities for families, excursionists, groups and even for school children. Individual visits On the days when the fort is open, individual visits…Read more